5 Ways to Make Money While in College
Most college students could use some extra funds while away at school. Getting a job might not be feasible with a heavy course load, but there are other ways you can earn cash. From selling used computers and other electronics to tutoring classmates, here are a few options to put a little money in your pocket.
How College Student Can Make Some Extra Money on the Side
1. Become a Resident Assistant (RA)
RAs are integral to the college experience. In this role, you’ll be responsible for supporting other students, settling disputes, and leading activities. There are also financial benefits in the form of a stipend, which can be used on meals and other expenses.
2. Sign Up With a Ride-Share Company
If you have a vehicle at school, driving for a ride-share service like Uber® or Lyft® should fit nicely into your academic schedule. Because you can choose how much and how often you work, you won’t need to worry about your job interfering with your schoolwork.
3. Tutor Classmates
Tutoring classmates is a rewarding experience that can also benefit you financially. Like driving for a ride-share, you can tutor as much or as little as possible depending on your financial needs and schedule. You can also determine your own rates, which isn’t possible with a part-time job.
4. Offer House Sitting & Pet Sitting Services
House and pet sitting allow you to spend time away from your dorm while also earning money. This is beneficial from a studying perspective, as you’re likely to enjoy the peace and quiet that comes along with it.
5. Sell Off Used Electronics
Do you have a used computer or other electronics collecting dust on your shelf? If so, you may be able to sell them or even trade them in for a discount on new devices. That way you’re doing something good for yourself as well as the planet since the items will be reused instead of simply discarded.
If you’re looking for a place to sell used computers and other equipment, Experimax Fort Collins has you covered. These computer gurus will happily take your used devices and offer you a fair price in return. You can also trade-in your used items to get a discount on Apple® products, including iPhones®, iPads®, and MacBooks®. Stop by today with your used electronics or call (970) 672-8204 to learn more. Students in Fort Collins, CO, can also visit the website for more information on selling and trading.