
People with sleep apnea awaken multiple times during the night when they stop breathing. If left untreated, this disorder has serious ramifications, including heart and liver issues. Fortunately, jaw surgery can afford relief to those who experience sleep apnea, especially when effects are severe.

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

There are two types of sleep apnea a person can experience. With obstructive sleep apnea, airways become blocked when the throat relaxes during sleep. This type tends to affect people who are overweight. With central sleep apnea, there is a signaling problem between the brain and the muscles used to breathe. Some people even experience a combination of the two disorders, known as complex sleep apnea. 

How Does Jaw Surgery Help?

jaw surgeryCPAP devices push air into the lungs while a person is sleeping and are commonly used to treat this condition. Jaw surgery can also be beneficial, especially in cases when a patient is uncomfortable sleeping with a CPAP device. The surgical procedure entails moving the top or lower jaw forward to create a larger opening for the airways.

Who Is a Good Candidate for This Procedure?

Jaw surgery offers a permanent solution to sleep apnea. Younger patients with abnormal jaw anatomy may find the idea of sleeping with a CPAP device for life daunting. While effective, CPAP machines can be uncomfortable and may also contribute to dry mouth and other dental issues when worn regularly. Surgery is also an option for people who have found CPAP devices unsuccessful at treating their sleeping disorder.


If you want to find out more about your candidacy for jaw surgery to treat sleep apnea, consult Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska in Anchorage. Their board-certified surgeons also perform wisdom teeth removal, dental implant installation, and bone grafting to strengthen jaw structure. Schedule an appointment today by calling (907) 561-1430, and visit the website for more information on their procedures.
