
An overbite occurs when the upper teeth protrude over the lower teeth. Without correction, this condition can lead to uncomfortable symptoms, such as breathing and chewing issues. In addition to consulting an oral surgeon, the following guide will prepare you to seek out treatment.

Common Causes

Overbites are often caused by genetic factors. If your upper jaw is too narrow, your teeth might crowd and jut forward, creating an overbite. Large front teeth are often hereditary, so if your parents have them, you might too.

Other common causes include thumb-sucking and pacifier use. The pressure caused by both actions can cause the teeth to develop at an odd angle. Tongue-thrusting, when the tongue is pushed too far forward in the mouth, also leads to overbites. Although it’s most common in children, adults may also do it in their sleep or when triggered by stress.

Types of Overbites

oral surgeon

There are two main types of overbites: class one and class two. Class one is more common and occurs when the upper teeth overlap the bottom teeth but still allow for a normal bite. 

Class two occurs when both the upper jaw and teeth overlap the bottom jaw and teeth, creating more noticeable “buck teeth.” In some cases, patients show symptoms of both types. 

Treatment Options

The best treatment option will depend on the type of overbite you have. For class one overbites, your dentist might recommend braces. Applying steady pressure to your teeth will correct their alignment over time. 

For overbites resulting from an overcrowded mouth, an oral surgeon might recommend a tooth extraction. Removing one or more teeth will provide more space for the others to move into a healthy and comfortable position. 

For a class two overbite resulting from a skeletal misalignment, jaw surgery may be recommended to move the upper jaw backward or forward.


Correct your overbite with the help of the skilled team at Oral Surgery Associates Of Alaska in Anchorage. Dr. William F. Bergeron, Jr. and Dr. Ray Holloway are board-certified in oral and maxillofacial surgery and provide attentive care. In addition to correcting overbites, they provide wisdom teeth removal, treat facial trauma, and install dental implants. Call (907) 561-1430 to make an appointment with an oral surgeon, or learn more about their jaw surgery expertise online.
