How to Make Your Garden More Hospitable to Bees
You don’t have to be a professional beekeeper to appreciate the small, flying insects’ contributions to the environment. They carry pollen from plant to plant, which allows the vegetation to create more seeds. The cross-pollination prompts more plants to grow in the landscape. To attract the pollinators to your garden, try the following tips — although garden with caution if you or a family member has a bee allergy.
3 Ways to Create a Bee-Friendly Garden
1. Stop Using Chemicals
To attract more bees, stop using herbicides and pesticides in the garden. The strong fumes can mask the sweet aroma that prompts the pollinators to land on flowers and collect the nectar. The insects could also die when they make contact with the toxic chemicals. The bees that survive could unintentionally carry chemical residue back to the hive, killing other bees and contaminating their honey. To prevent these concerns, put ladybugs in the garden, as they will keep harmful insects at bay.
2. Plant More Flowers
As any beekeeper will tell you, more flowers will attract more bees to your garden, so start planting. Bees are particularly attracted to the color of pansies and the nectar in lavender. Keep your garden constantly populated with bees by choosing an eclectic array of perennials that bloom during different seasons.
3. Let Grass Grow
Unless your homeowner association has specific requirements, cut down on how often you mow the grass around the garden. Dandelions and daisies will take root without your interference. The plants can supply bees with nectar while you wait for other plants to bloom.
For more information on how to protect and attract the pollinators, contact the beekeepers at Manoa Honey in Wahiawa, HI. The professionals are eager to share their knowledge with the public. In business since 1989, they are the only beekeeping company on Oahu. Residents throughout the entire state seek out the beekeepers for flavorful, healthy, organic honey. To learn more about the products, call (808) 927-0501 or see their selection online.