
Many employees are aware that sexual harassment can occur in an office setting. However, as many jobs have transitioned from in-person to remote work, remote workers might think that sexual harassment is no longer a threat. Despite this common belief, sexual harassment can still occur in your online workplace on the phone or online. To protect yourself and learn when to contact a sexual harassment attorney, consult the following guide below.

What Constitutes Online Workplace Sexual Harassment?

sexual harassment attorney

Sexual harassment is not just inappropriate touching. The legal definition is clear: it includes any unwanted sexual advances, whether physical, verbal, or written — as well as requests for sexual acts in exchange for a reward, such as a promotion — leading to a hostile work environment for the victim.

In an online work environment, sexual harassment can occur virtually, either during or outside of business hours. For example, you might receive an explicit message or email from someone at work late at night, or your boss might make a lewd joke over a workday Zoom chat. Virtual sexual harassment could also occur over text, phone calls, social media DMs, or video calls.

What Are Your Options if You're Sexually Harassed?

If you are sexually harassed by someone at your company while working from home, the best next step is to document the exchange. Whether you use screenshot or screen recording features, or if you take a photo or video with another device, having evidence of harassment is the best way to ensure your claims are taken seriously. If it was a coworker, contact your boss and inform them about the incident. If it was one of your superiors, consider reporting it to your company’s HR department. If your company doesn’t handle things properly, get in touch with a sexual harassment attorney who can represent you in a lawsuit and help you receive the compensation and job protection you deserve.


If you were the recipient of sexual harassment or workplace discrimination, trust the legal team at Remillard & Huynh in Honolulu, HI, to stand up for your rights and protect your best interests. These attorneys have over 45 years of combined experience in the industry, and with their legal acumen and passion for justice, you can expect a fair and satisfying outcome from your suit. To learn more about their practice areas, visit the website, or call (808) 536-5737 to schedule a consultation.
