
Dentists encourage every patient to brush their teeth regularly. Similarly, veterinarians stress the importance of pet dental care with dog owners to avoid similar health issues in their four-legged friends. If you have recently adopted a canine, here’s a quick guide to brushing. 

Understanding Pet Dental Care for Your Dog

Why Is Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth Important?

As with humans, dogs are susceptible to plaque buildup on their teeth. Failure to brush away plaque can lead to a myriad of uncomfortable dental problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. By taking the time to brush your dog’s teeth every day or even every other day, you’ll ensure they have healthy teeth and gums. In turn, you’ll reduce the risk of mouth pain and the need for expensive oral health services such as pulling teeth. 

How Should Pet Owners Accomplish This Task?

New Albany Pet Dental Care

Most dogs will be resistant to the brushing process. As such, it’s important to establish a routine. Start by first introducing them to pet toothpaste by allowing them to smell and lick it off your finger. Next, let them get used to having their muzzle touched, mouth opened, and your hand touching their teeth. Once they adapt to this, focus on quick, gentle brushing sessions where you hold their muzzle closed with one hand, exposing the teeth and brush with the other.

Talk in a soothing voice during the process and always reward your pet with words of affirmation and a treat for good behavior. Try to incorporate brushing into the daily routine, such as immediately after your morning walk, so you don’t forget and so your pet connects the task to the treat and celebration afterward. 

How Often Does a Dog Require Professional Dental Care at a Veterinary Clinic?

In addition to daily brushing, veterinarians recommend scheduling a professional teeth cleaning every six months. By taking your dog to the veterinary clinic twice a year for this service, you’ll be able to receive an expert assessment of their overall oral health. In addition, they can successfully remove any lingering plaque and tartar in hard to reach places to ensure your dog’s smile is healthy and their breath is fresh through every life stage. 


If your dog needs professional pet dental care, Animal Hospital of New Albany in Ohio is the perfect resource. Since opening in 1991, this full-service veterinary clinic has helped pet owners across Franklin County with a focus on treating dogs, cats, birds, and exotic animals. To schedule an appointment, call today at (614) 855-9643. For more information on this innovative veterinarian and the entire staff’s commitment to creating a warm, inviting environment that puts pets at ease, visit their website.
