
Even master bathrooms can be among the smallest spaces in the house. As such, it’s easy to run out of storage for toiletries, towels, medications, and other bathroom supplies. Fortunately, custom cabinets can help you make the most of the available floor space to get as much room as possible for storing items without making the area too crowded. Here are a few storage solutions to discuss with a contractor.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Master Bathroom Storage

1. Recessed Cabinetry

The walls in modern homes are hollow, with several inches of space between the bathroom drywall sheet and the sheet bordering the next room. That space often goes unused, but you can actually sink your cabinets into it. This recessed style provides a few extra inches of storage without sacrificing any floor space.

2. No Dead Zones

custom cabinets

Some cabinets, especially older units, have unused space inside. There may be a decorative panel instead of a drawer in the space below the sink, and corner areas may be completely empty as there’s nowhere obvious to slide a drawer out. At the base of the cabinetry, there’s often a toe kick—a small, recessed section with no storage space. 

Modern designs can put usable storage in all this unused space. For example, a U-shaped drawer or tilting drawer under the sink can help you use every available inch, and the corner area can be accessed using drawers that turn or slide in multiple directions.

3. More Units

It’s traditional to put storage space below the bathroom vanity, but there are other areas you can use as well. Over-counter storage can go all the way to the ceiling, and it’s common to hang shelves over the shower and toilet. You can even add a bench seat with storage space inside it.


For custom cabinets that will help you maximize storage space in your master bathroom, choose Atlanta Hardwood Flooring & Cabinetry in Alpharetta, GA. They've served homeowners throughout the North Metro area and the surrounding suburbs for over 20 years. Owner PJ manages every project personally to ensure you're fully satisfied with the results. Call (404) 919-7010 to discuss your bathroom storage needs, or visit them online to learn more about their custom cabinets.
