
Discover the Ideal Green Termite Treatment From Ecola Termite and Pest Control Services

Are you looking to get rid of household pests without harming the environment? From rodent control to termite control, Ecola Termite and Pest Control Services provides the alternative pest control treatments that will keep unwanted guests out. With over 60 years of experience and seven locations from San Diego to Paso Robles, you're sure to find their trusted services close to home.

With groundbreaking termite treatment methods like Ecola Heat™, salt treatments (borates), and EcoSMART products, their termite control company has landed the esteemed title of "Best Green Exterminator" by LA Magazine. Their expert technicians specialize in the latest and greatest in environmentally conscious pest control methods that achieve a lasting, pest-free result.

If you've been wondering how to kill termites and other pests without putting yourself and your environment at risk, you might be tempted to try at-home termite treatment remedies such as sand barriers, cedar oil, or mint leaves to keep pests away. Although these solutions environmentally friendly, they won’t ensure the most effective results.

For the best of both worlds, the best green termite treatment is the heat-based process from Ecola Termite and Pest Control Services. Their ECOLA Heat treatment can be applied to both full structures and pinpointed to local areas. Lasting only four to 12 hours, this termite treatment won’t require you to leave your home for an extended period of time, dislocating your entire family. 

termite control

Since this natural termite control process uses heat, you won’t have to worry about an excess of harmful contaminants flooding your home and prized possessions. Ecola Termite and Pest Control Services just requests that you remove all heat sensitive materials from your home—such as photographic film—to ensure they aren’t harmed.

If you believe your home has been infested, contact Ecola Termite and Pest Control Services for a free estimate at (800) 332-BUGS and schedule your termite inspection. Visit the website to learn more about all their environmentally conscious pest control methods.



