
Some people think that rats only enter messy houses. However, even if you work hard to keep your home clean and tidy, you may unknowingly be attracting these unwanted guests. To prevent an infestation, avoid these habits and keep the following rodent control strategies in mind.

How Rats Are Attracted to Clean Homes

1. Composting

rodent control

People with tidy homes generally don’t leave food scraps out on the counters or floors. However, rats are not picky about their food sources. They’ll eat pet food, certain houseplants, leather, and even compost or pet waste. 

If you have a compost bin outside, keep it covered or leave it far away from your home so that rats aren’t lured nearby. Additionally, keep trash and any of these other food sources in sealed containers. 

2. Dripping Pipes

Rats often enter homes looking for water. Your home may be spotless in the areas you can see, but there may still be small drips under the kitchen sink or in the bathroom. 

Once rodents find these water sources, they’re likely to come back or even bring friends or breed, so eliminate any unnecessary sources of water around your space. You may need a plumber to seal cracks or tighten loose connections.

3. Small Openings

Sometimes, rats are simply looking for warm places to sleep. It’s not practical for homeowners to leave the heater off throughout winter. 

Your best rodent control option is to close off your entire home exterior so that they can’t access these warm spots. This means closing doors, windows, and screens fully. However, rats can also squeak in through small holes around pipes or in the attic, so look for drafty spots and have them repaired. 


If you need professional rodent control for a rat infestation, contact Ecola Termite and Pest Control Services. With seven locations from San Diego to Paso Robles, CA, the pest management company offers solutions for termites, mosquitos, cockroaches, and rodents. The team of technicians is licensed by the state and provides solutions tailored to each property. Visit their website for a full list of services, or call (800) 471-BUGS (2847) to request rodent control assistance. 
