
For many people, itchy mosquito bites are minor annoyances to be expected after outdoor fun. But children often have more exaggerated reactions to bites because of how their immune systems respond. When the weather warms up, you can protect your family with these precautions and pest control measures. 

The Dangers of Mosquitoes

In most cases, when a mosquito bites you, the red, itchy welt is a reaction to the pests' saliva. Because young children's immune systems haven't fully developed, the response is more extreme. Welts can become extremely large or blister. Some children even develop a low-grade fever in response to bug bites. 

This reaction can be alarming to parents, especially since there has been an influx of the Aedes mosquitos in southern California. Although rare, these invasive mosquitos can potentially carry viruses, like West Nile, Zika, dengue, and chikungunya.

However, bug bites are rarely problematic for children and clear up on their own within a few days. The most prominent danger is the risk of infection from scratching, so apply an anti-itch cream to the bite and instruct your child not to touch it. Children only need medical attention for mosquito bites if the swelling increases, the affected area is warm or painful, or they have a high fever.

How to Reduce Mosquito Bite Risk

pest control

Professional pest control treatments in your yard will make a significant difference in mosquito presence. Certain features in your yard can add a small degree of pest control as well. For example, plants like lavender and citronella grass may help deter mosquitoes. Using fans around dining and seating areas can also keep the bugs from swarming, as they disperse the carbon dioxide humans breathe out that attracts the pests. 

The CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics recommend using an insect repellent containing 10% to 30% DEET to ward off disease-carrying bugs. Avoid products that combine sunscreen and insect repellent since they need to be reapplied every two hours, and insect repellent shouldn't be reapplied. 

Keep children indoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. If they have to be outdoors, dress them in long-sleeved shirts, pants, and socks to protect their skin, and use bug repellent on any exposed areas. 


If you want to protect your family from mosquito bites, reach out to Ecola Termite and Pest Control Services to request a complimentary pest inspection and action plan. These pest control experts are working within COVID-19 protocols to serve clients from their seven Southern California locations, from San Diego to Paso Robles. Whether you're dealing with mosquitos, spiders, rodents, or termites, they have the tools and knowledge to keep your home pest-free. Learn more about their services online, or call 1-800-471-BUGS (2847) to schedule a consultation. 
