5 Reasons Preschoolers Need Creative Movement
Creative moment is as critical to a preschooler’s development as learning their ABCs. Many studies have confirmed the link between dance lessons and brain development. Creative movement contributes to more than just brain function—it helps form the building blocks of some essential childhood skills. Here are five reasons why you should encourage movement in your preschooler.
Can Dance Lessons Help Preschool Development?
1. Health & Fitness
To keep kids fit and active, involve them in activities they enjoy. Getting them in the habit of moving and jumping from a young age helps their muscles develop and their joints stay mobile. Movement also builds coordination. Making an activity fun helps to nurture a long-term love of movement.
2. Social Development
Many children, particularly only children, don’t have a lot of contact with other kids until they start kindergarten. Enrolling them in creative movement lessons encourages them to interact with others socially, both children and adults. It gets them used to talking to people they’re not familiar with and helps them learn how to make friends.
3. Sensory Awareness
Learning to dance requires children to explore the space around them, discover what movement feels like, learn how to control their arms and legs, and listen for music cues. These skills are vital for a preschooler’s development. A dance environment gives them a safe and happy place to learn and practice new skills and abilities.
4. Preparation for Kindergarten
Kindergarten is a world away from preschool. Children find themselves thrust into an environment where they have to follow instructions, wait their turn, and collaborate with classmates. Creative movement and dance lessons introduce preschoolers to these skills in a gentle, nonintimidating manner. By the time they go to elementary school, they’re ready for success.
5. Concentration
Teaching a child to concentrate can be challenging if they don’t find an activity enjoyable. Creative movement keeps kids engaged and focused. You’ll find they’re more likely to concentrate when they’re enjoying themselves.
Production Company Dance Centre in Longmont, CO, is a dance school with a difference. They believe dance lessons should be just as much about emotional and social development as they are about learning dance steps. They strive to provide a caring environment in which children can do both. Their highly trained teachers have danced for many years and share their expertise with students through patient and encouraging coaching. Start your little one on their first steps to making lifelong friends and memories. Go online to find out more about their classes, or call (303) 682-8842 to schedule a free trial.