
In order to protect your building from fires as best as possible, it's crucial to have the proper fire protection equipment installed. Fire extinguishers, alarm systems, and sprinklers are all essential. But there's more to safety than just fire protection equipment. You also need contingencies for what happens when a fire does break out and people need to evacuate. If someone becomes incapacitated or can't use stairs, you'll need something like evacuation chairs to get them out safely. Here are a few benefits of these chairs. 

3 Reasons to Use Evacuation Chairs in Your Building

1. Safety 

The main benefit of evacuation chairs is the increased safety of everyone in your building. If someone can't use the stairs, whether due to disability or because they've become incapacitated, evacuation chairs offer you a safe and reliable way to transport someone to the bottom floor in order to escape. These chairs are designed to make it easy for someone to escort a person with reduced mobility downstairs safely and quickly. 

2. Versatility

fire protection equipment

The utility of evacuation chairs is not strictly limited to use during emergencies. They can also be used for transport in non-emergency situations. They tend to be lightweight, making them convenient for everyday transport for people with reduced mobility. You can simply switch your chair from descent mode into transport mode and be on your way.  

3. Ease of Use

Training your staff to use these chairs is incredibly easy, and you increase the safety of your staff and guests by a great deal just by having evacuation chairs easily accessible on each floor. While they weigh just a few pounds, the average evacuation chair can carry up to 400 pounds without issue and without compromising safety or ease of use. 


If you're in need of help making your building safer in the event of a fire, reach out to Fire Protection Specialists in Bangor, WI. These fire safety experts offer all types of fire protection equipment that can protect your staff and your property, no matter the type of fire you're dealing with. Learn more about their services online, and call (800) 658-9463 to schedule a consultation. 
