
When is a good time to change the locks at your home or office? The inconvenience can make people put this off, but don’t wait until an emergency to call a locksmith. When the time comes, Richmond Hill Locksmith in Bryan County, GA, is on hand to help you out. Don’t wait until it’s too late: change the locks if you’ve recently experienced any of the following situations.

4 Times To Change The Locks

1. Moving & Renovations

locksStart off fresh and change the locks when you move into a new home, even if the house is newly constructed. Contractors and subcontractors could all have keys to the property. The same goes for renovations that required passing a key to a contractor. Even if you trust the person doing the work, a key can be passed around beyond your trusted circle. Likewise, if you have a tenant moving out of your property — even on good terms — change the locks, as another key could inadvertently pass out of your control.

2. Breakups & Divorce

Hit reset after a breakup or divorce by changing the locks. It’s a sensible precaution, rather than a sign of aggression, as your residence is essentially changing ownership.

3. Old, Damaged, Or Cheap Locks

Don’t wait too late to change an old or damaged lock. A lock that is structurally damaged can erode, making it more susceptible to breaking or being picked. Don’t tempt fate by waiting to fix your locks.

4. Lost/Stolen Key Or Burglary

The usual call to a locksmith occurs when you lose your key. Similarly, if your belongings are stolen and your keys are among them, schedule a lock replacement, particularly if any identifying information is also taken. It’s also advisable to change the locks in the event of a burglary, even if the door was not targeted, in case a spare key has inconspicuously gone missing.

Richmond Hill Locksmith has your back in an emergency, but their locksmiths are also available for preventative measures. Save yourself an ordeal and be proactive by calling them at (912) 727-3878. You can also contact them online to schedule an appointment.
