Mouth cancer affects 650,000 people annually. It is twice as common in men than in women, and 78% of cases occur in those over 55 years of age. A family dentist can help diagnose this illness, as well as provide adequate treatment. If you're curious about mouth cancer, check out the guide below.
What Causes It?
While a single cause is unknown, there are certain risk factors for developing oral cancer. Smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes increases the likelihood of developing oral cancer. Vaping can also cause cancers of the cheek, gums and inner lip lining. Your family dentist will discuss your family history to determine a cause of mouth cancer, but will also take lifestyle choices into consideration as well, including smoking or vaping.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms?
If you consistently get mouth sores that don't heal, or if you have persistent mouth pain, a family dentist can check your mouth for abnormalities. Lumps or thickening in the cheek and a white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or tonsils can all signal a problem.
Other symptoms include a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, swelling in the jaw, loose teeth, a voice change, a lump in your neck, sudden and unexplained weight loss or constant bad breath.
What Are the Treatments?
First, your family dentist will likely send you to a specialist who will do a biopsy to detect cancerous cells. Most doctors use a scalpel biopsy to confirm the results. Scalpel biopsies vary as well. Some are incisional, which means that the doctor only takes a small piece of the lump, and some excisional, which usually requires removing the whole lump.
Once a determination has been made, oral cancer is treated with surgery to remove the cancerous growth. Other treatments include radiation, chemotherapy, or both.
If you notice any symptoms and need a cancer screening to check for the diseases, visit Katz Family Dentistry in Webster, NY. They offer top-notch oral care services that improve your overall wellness. They use advanced dental technology and treatment to give the best oral cancer screening, aesthetic dentistry, root canal, dentures, and more. Call (585) 671-2340 to schedule an appointment or visit their website to send a message online.