A Guide to Early Developmental Milestones in Children
As your baby grows, you might wish you could stop time and enjoy their current age for a few more months. However, you’ll soon realize that the desire for your child to grow and develop successfully—in everything from academics to sports skills—overrides this. If you’re wondering what milestones you should expect in the first three years, use the following guide.
The Different Types of Developmental Milestones
A few of the easiest milestones to recognize in a growing child are physical—for example, your baby cannot support the weight of their head for the first several weeks. After about two months, they are strong enough to roll onto their tummies, push up with their arms, and turn their heads. Between six to nine months, they might start crawling, and you could expect their first steps between the nine-month mark and their first birthday. By two years, you might be shocked at how fast they can run or climb the stairs. By three, they might have the skills to pedal a tricycle.
Of course, there are mental, emotional, and social milestones to look forward to as well. After two months, your baby will be cooing, smiling, and recognizing faces. Around their first birthday, they’ll start to give you cues—such as passing you a book they’d like to hear. They may also learn words or imitate the noises and gestures you make. After two years, they can remember names, shapes, and colors, and show defiance when unhappy. By three, they could start dressing themselves and comforting others.
What to Remember as Your Child Progresses
While many parents get anxious if they’re child isn’t meeting milestones at a certain age, you should recognize that every child develops differently. If yours is several months behind their classmates when walking or speaking, don’t be frustrated or frightened. Your child’s development could be dependent on their personality—some people take longer to come out of their shell.
On the other hand, you can encourage your child without pressuring them. For example, reading aloud at home will strengthen their communication and comprehension, and scheduling a playdate with the neighbors could enhance their social skills. If you’re worried about physical milestones, consider enrolling your child in a gymnastics class, where they can work on walking, crawling, and tumbling in a safe, cushioned environment. They may even pick up sports skills as they grow.
If you want to encourage your child to reach their milestones, contact The Little Gym® of St. Charles, MO. For over 40 years, they’ve offered dance, gymnastics, and baby classes for children up to 12 years old. While they’re distracted by the fun activities, your little one will learn hand-eye coordination, build physical strength, and develop necessary sports skills. To learn more about this facility and their class schedules, visit the website. You can also call (636) 970-1220 to speak with a representative today.