
While running a successful restaurant is highly rewarding, it also leaves you vulnerable to various risks. This illustrates the importance of choosing the right insurance to protect your establishment and your interests. Since there are many different policies to choose from, restaurant owners often need a little guidance to make the right decision. Here are a few common types of commercial insurance for restauranteurs and how they can protect you.

Property Coverage

Property insurance is a must if you own the building your business operates out of. In this case, property insurance will pay for damage to the structure itself, as well as any harm that comes to essential equipment, such as stoves and refrigerators.

If you lease the building, you can implement a policy that covers this work equipment alone, which ensures you have the funds for repairs or replacements when needed. Business income policies are also recommended, as they can provide financial support until repairs have been made and your business is running again.

General Liability


Liability coverage safeguards you against mishaps occurring at your business. For example, if a patron falls at your establishment and experiences an injury, liability insurance will pay for their medical bills.

If the person sues you as a result of their injuries, it'll also cover the costs for a lawyer and any court fees. This coverage also extends to customers who experience foodborne illness at your establishment, which can result in medical costs and legal issues.

Workers' Compensation

Like most other states, employers in Arizona must secure workers' compensation for their employees. However, even if it wasn't mandated, this coverage is crucial to protect you and your business.

A workers' compensation policy provides funds for medical costs and lost wages after a work injury. It also protects employers by preventing legal action, as having a policy in place protects you from being sued, even when negligence is a factor.


If you want to protect your establishment, get coverage from Insurance Savers. These professionals help restaurant owners throughout the Phoenix Metro area find policies that meet their needs. As an independent agency, they leverage their relationships with multiple carriers to get the best policies at the lowest prices. And with more than two decades of experience behind them, they can assess your unique risks and recommend the best coverage options. Visit the website to learn more about business coverage, or call (602) 265-9311 to schedule an appointment. 
