
As a rideshare driver, it's natural to wonder what your financial obligations are if you get into an accident while on the job. If you don't have special rideshare coverage, you'll have to pay out of pocket for car repairs and additional costs. That's because personal auto insurance won't cover a rideshare-related accident. To avoid this expense, follow the insurance tips discussed here. 

What Should Rideshare Drivers Know About Insurance?

1. Find Out What Coverage Is Provided

If you work for a transportation network company (TNC), read through the insurance provisions regarding what accident coverage is provided when you are logged into the TNC's app. The rideshare service might provide auto insurance coverage if you get into an accident when you accept a ride, are en route to the customer, and transport the passenger to their destination. If you get into an accident while waiting for a rideshare request, however, the TNC might provide low coverage or none at all. In this case, it's best to get additional coverage to ensure you are fully protected at all times. 

2. Weigh Options

auto insurance

There are auto insurance policies that specifically cover rideshare services. To pay one premium instead of two, consider hybrid rideshare insurance. The policy includes both rideshare and personal auto coverage. You could also add a rideshare endorsement or extension to your personal auto insurance policy.

3. Be Honest About the Circumstances 

If you do get into an accident while logged into the TNC app, let your insurer know. Otherwise, providing false information could jeopardize your insurance claim. The claim will be denied and your policy could be terminated. You might also have to pay higher premiums for a new policy with another insurer. 


For auto insurance to cover the costs of an accident, contact the professionals at Insurance Savers in Phoenix, AZ. In business since 1999, the insurance agency can connect you with dozens of lenders to find the right policy for your needs while helping you save money. Learn more about the options online, and call (602) 265-9311 to get a quote from a knowledgeable insurance agent. 
