
If you’re a new well owner, you may wonder what to do to prepare your system for winter. Fortunately, many well components are installed beneath the frost line, so they’re safe from freezing temperatures. However, winter still brings a few risks. Use this guide to prepare your home and avoid a need for pump service throughout the season.

How to Prepare Your Home for the Winter

1. Insulate Pipes

Exposed pipes are vulnerable to freezing. When the water inside them freezes, it expands and adds pressure against them, increasing the risk of cracks, bursts, and leaks.

Shut off all outdoor spigots to prevent water damage, or use thermal insulation tape and foam padding to protect outdoor pipes. Also, keep indoor temperatures above 55 degrees at all times, even if you leave the house for an extended period. This will keep pipes in the basement and crawlspaces—which tend to be colder than the rest of the property—from freezing.

2. Get a Generator

pump serviceYour water well relies on electricity to pump water into your home. If a storm causes an outage, you could go without water until the power returns.

Purchasing a portable generator to power the well’s pump will keep the water flowing. Check your pump owner’s manual to determine its wattage requirements and choose a generator that supports it.

3. Protect Aboveground Pumps

While most wells have submersible pumps, some involve jet varieties. If your well has an aboveground jet pump, it’s exposed to the elements throughout the winter.

Experts recommend keeping the pump in a heated structure to protect it from freezing temperatures. Build a pump house that protects the unit and allows pump service technicians to access it when needed. Place a heat lamp inside this shed to keep temperatures stable.


If your water well pump is damaged by the elements, turn to Dalmik Well Drilling in Putnam, CT. Fully licensed, bonded, and insured, this residential water well contractor has served homeowners east of the Connecticut River since 1987. They offer 24/7 emergency pump service to restore your supply when your well fails. Visit them online to learn more about their services, or call (800) 922-6220 to request a free estimate.
