
If you've been injured because of someone else's negligence, filing a personal injury claim is the first step to getting the compensation you need and deserve. However, it's important to remember that legal processes are specific and complex, so you want to be sure to avoid mistakes with your claim as much as possible. Here are three of the most common mistakes and ways to prevent them.

Avoid These Common Personal Injury Claim Mistakes

1. Not Seeking Medical Treatment

There are three main benefits of seeking prompt medical treatment after an injury. First, it ensures that your health remains a top priority and that you have professional guidance and support on the road to recovery. Second, doctors and other providers keep detailed medical records of your case, and these records can be used in an injury claim to substantiate your injuries, pain levels, and prognosis.

Third, timely treatment shows the seriousness of your injury. If you weren't to seek prompt medical attention, the opposing party could argue the injuries weren't that significant. So, after experiencing an injury, see a doctor right away, even if you don't think you were seriously hurt.

2. Not Gathering Enough Evidence

The more evidence you can acquire, the stronger your claim—and the harder it will be for the defendant, their counsel, and their insurer to deny. Always err on the side of too much evidence rather than not enough. In addition to medical records, most injury claims include copies of police reports, photos and videos from the accident scene, and statements from any eyewitnesses to the accident.

personal injury

Work closely with your attorney and be diligent about amassing as much evidence as you can to support the case.

3. Accepting the First Settlement Offer

It's always your decision whether to accept any settlement offer put forth by the opposing party. However, remember that the initial offer is a place to start negotiations, not an endpoint. It's perfectly common for some back-and-forth to occur, in which each side makes offers and counteroffers until a mutually agreeable amount has been reached. Consider each offer carefully, and consult your attorney to guarantee you are accepting an amount commensurate with all injuries and expenses.


Another mistake to avoid: tackling a personal injury claim without a lawyer. The attorneys at Andrews & Pontius LLC will advocate for you and protect your rights at every step of the legal process. Since 1999, they have been representing Ashtabula County, OH, in a wide range of legal matters, including injuries, estate planning, and family law cases. Call (440) 998-6835 for an appointment, or visit them online to browse their practice areas.
