
While Mexican food plays a big role in the American lifestyle, it may not be your first choice when looking for healthy meal options. However, you can still enjoy the flavors of this popular and diverse cuisine guilt-free by knowing which dishes to avoid and how to make good substitutions. Here are a few tips to help keep your nutrition plan on track while ordering at any Mexican restaurant.

Skip the Chips

Most Mexican restaurants give each table an endless supply of tortilla chips, which can be addicting. Unfortunately, these are high in saturated fat and calories. Skip them if you can, or eat only a small portion. If you decide to indulge in moderation, be sure to pair your chips with a healthy dip. Salsa is low in calories, and guacamole is rich in healthy fats. 

Mexican restaurant

Consider Your Entrée Carefully

Whenever possible, go with grilled meats or seafood on your entrée. Avoid dishes that are fried, contain a large amount of cheese, or are topped with a creamy sauce; these items have a lot more calories. Stick to dishes that include vegetables and a good balance of lean protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

Ask for Alternatives

Crunchy tacos are usually fried and contain a good deal of fat. Opt for soft tacos, which are baked instead, and ask for corn tortillas instead of flour to cut down on carbs and sugar. Beans are an excellent source of fiber, but some are healthier than others. Black beans have the lowest fat content, but pinto beans are a great substitute for refried beans. They provide a similar flavor without the additional fat. Sour cream and queso toppings may also be switched out for extra salsa. 


If you’re in search of an authentic Mexican restaurant to satisfy all your cravings, head to The Taco Spot in Greater Chandler, AZ. They offer a large selection of dishes that are made with the freshest ingredients and packed full of protein and nutrients. Whether you’re looking to grab a quick and affordable lunch or have a fun night out with friends, this is the perfect establishment to find a high-quality meal in a casual setting. Call (480) 917-7883 or visit them online for more information.
