
Life changes, social challenges, and academic difficulties can make your child's teenage years a stressful time. Due to their age, they may not have the management skills yet to process these challenges in healthy ways. To help them achieve their best and become well-balanced adults, here are five ways you can help them relieve stress.

Stress Relief Tips for Parents of Teens

1. Spend Time Together

By developing a close relationship with your child, you lay the foundation for assistance and teaching. Spending time together regularly, especially one-on-one, will help them trust you and open channels of communication.

2. Talk About the Issue

Relieve StressAsk your teen what they have on their plate and get a good understanding of their situation before you offer suggestions. Then, discuss areas where their routines or habits may be hurting them, and brainstorm relaxing activities they can do each day to relieve stress, such as exercising, reading, or just having a few minutes of quiet time to themselves.

3. Teach Work & Time Management Skills

There are specific ways your teen can make tasks like school projects easier and relieve stress. For example, encourage them to keep a written to-do list; break down a complicated project into smaller, more manageable steps; or save games and social media until after homework is finished.

4. Model Useful Behavior

The best way to convince your teen your advice is useful is to show them that it works in your life. If you have poor work habits, that can undermine any help you try to give. Work on developing your own healthy habits first, or agree to do it together with your teen. Start small by purchasing a new planner and writing down the week’s activities and obligations, and work toward creating an equal work-life balance. 

5. Look After Their Health

Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle will make the effects of stress on your child's mood and health much worse. Provide them with healthy food and encourage them to get enough sleep. Remember that teens require more sleep than adults do — studies show this age group needs between 9 and 9.5 hours each night.


A life coach is another helpful way for your teen to relieve stress. For compassionate, encouraging care, turn to Peggy Sealfon-Stonewater Studio in Naples, FL. She teaches stress management and productivity techniques to people of all ages so they can lead healthier, more productive lives. Her methods are tailored to each individual, and she’s certified in a range of modalities, from modern psychology to nutrition, yoga and neurosciences. To discuss your teenager’s needs today, call (239) 821-2266 or reach out online.
