4 Myths About Adult Daycare Debunked
Adult daycare is designed to provide seniors’ primary caregivers with some respite and free time during the day to run errands or go to work. However, the service is often misunderstood by the people who would most benefit from it. If you feel that this could be a beneficial service for you and your family, correct some of your misconceptions by dispelling a few of the most common myths about senior daycare.
4 Misconceptions About Adult Daycare
1. Only Seniors With Severe Disabilities Need It
Many believe adult daycare is only for those who are very old, sick, or feeble, leaving your loved one to think they are too healthy to be in a group with less active peers. However, seniors of all ages and abilities can attend daycare.
2. It’s Boring
Some caregivers may harbor the misconception that adult daycare consists of a single room with a TV and puzzles where seniors sit and do nothing all day. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Most senior care centers are filled with on-campus activities and provide scheduled outings for their participants. Your loved one will be able to choose from several fun projects each day they are there.
3. Every Minute Is Scheduled With No Free Time for Residents
On the other hand, many people believe that there are too many scheduled activities at care centers, and seniors will have no time to relax and socialize with their peers. In reality, your loved one will be able to pick and choose the activities they’re interested in and sit out from the ones they aren’t. If they prefer to take it easy and spend time talking to other residents, it won’t be a problem.
4. Your Senior Loved One Won’t Benefit From It
Caregivers are often concerned that their loved ones are too sick to benefit from adult daycare services. If you fear that your loved one won’t be able to make friends, rest assured that the professionals at these facilities are equipped to handle participants of all ability levels. They can make sure your loved one finds activities suited to them in a safe and comfortable environment.
Get your loved one enrolled at adult daycare by contacting Perfect Hands In-Home Health Care & Services Inc. in St. Louis, MO. The professional caretakers at this center work tirelessly to create a welcoming environment for every participant that comes through their door. They have been providing compassionate care to residents of the St. Louis area for the last ten years. Allow them to help provide some respite from your daily care duties with their outstanding services. Learn more about their available programs by calling (314) 274-8618 or by visiting their website today.