
Taking care of your lawn is a year-round process, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend every day meticulously caring for the grass. With the help of high-quality lawn care products, you can get the lush, green yard you’ve always wanted with just a few simple steps. For using Fertilome — one of the best lawn-care brands available — there are three simple stages of the process.

How the Fertilome Process Works

1. Pre-Emergent Herbicide — Early Spring

Dealing with pesky crabgrass and other weeds is one of the most frustrating tasks of taking care of a lawn. The first step of the Fertilome process controls the growth of weeds by stopping them before they have a chance to emerge. Packed with nutrients and a powerful herbicide called Prodiamine, this step revitalizes your lawn after the long winter, prevents the germination of weeds, and sets the stage for a healthy, strong root system during the upcoming months.

2. Feed the Lawn — September

lawn care productsAfter controlling the weed growth and boosting your lawn’s nutrient intake, you’re all set for the entire summer. When early fall rolls around, the next step comes into play. This stage of the lawn care product gives the lawn a supercharge of nitrogen and iron, strengthening its roots and helping it achieve a verdant appearance. Even better, it can handle the temperature swings of fall thanks to its quick-release nitrogen content. This form of the nutrient isn’t as sensitive to temperature change as slow-release methods and will provide a boost even if the weather throws a curveball your way.

3. Prepare for Winter — November

The last step of the Fertilome process is actually the same as the previous step. Even though your lawn has stopped growing by November, reapplying the iron and nitrogen mix gives it a stockpile of healthy nutrients for the long winter ahead. The root system will continue to strengthen so the lawn will burst back into life when spring arrives again.


For a lush, healthy lawn year-round, Lakeview Garden Center & Landscaping in Fairfield, OH, has all of the lawn care products you need. With all three steps of the Fertilome process available, they can help you conveniently get the gorgeously green lawn you’ve always wanted. You can pick up the products in the store or order them by phone and pick them up later. Visit the website for more information on their landscaping services or call (513) 829-6624 to speak with a friendly representative today.
