
Discovering a mold problem is a challenging and costly experience for homeowners. Many budget-minded individuals, hoping to save on mold removal, may resort to mold fogging, a method of using chemical cleaning agents and disinfectants in an attempt to kill mold spores and colonies. In some cases, this can be a useful approach, but it’s almost always best to rely on the experts. Here's a closer look at what mold fogging is and when you can use it.

What Is Mold Fogging?

In simple terms, mold fogging refers to the use of machines that produce clouds of antimicrobial and odor-controlling chemicals formulated for mold removal and remediation. Some of the most popular mold fogging chemicals include salt-, bleach-, and hydrogen peroxide-based solutions that, ideally, should disperse evenly throughout a mold-affected room. However, this form of mold remediation is less regulated than other, more reliable methods.

When Is It OK to Use?

mold removal

Although mold fogging is often both hazardous and ineffective when used to treat existing mold colonies, it can be used in certain circumstances when materials have acquired mold spores but don’t show signs of active growth.

For example, fabrics, drywall, and wood may have layers of spores on them after a more extensive mold removal project, for which fogging can be an effective countermeasure to prevent further growth. However, fogging should only be carried out by certified and trained mold remediation specialists, as improper use can result in injury and illness.

Why Is Professional Service More Effective?

Mold fogging kits and machines for home use are a popular low-cost alternative to professional mold remediation. However, even these should be left in the hands of trained experts. One reason for this is that many fogging sprays are bleach-based, which is known to be ineffective in combating mold growth. Once sprayed, fog can significantly lower air quality indoors and can lead to respiratory distress or illness, particularly in those with allergies or ongoing respiratory conditions.

A mold removal specialist will only use fogging as an adjunct technique and only after using more reliable methods to locate and destroy colonies. Furthermore, they have the training and equipment needed to restore indoor air quality and leave your rooms safe and comfortable afterward.


When you need effective, dependable mold removal and remediation services in the Savannah or Richmond Hill, GA, area, you can count on Serclean. With over 25 years of experience serving homeowners and businesses, these testing, cleaning, and damage control specialists can help with everything from black mold to fire and water damage and asbestos removal. Call (912) 459-1981 to discuss your needs, and visit them online to learn more about their services.
