
With their calming beauty, orchids are perfect additions to any home. But even though they're low-maintenance plants, they can be susceptible to pests. This guide explains the most common pests to look out for so you can take the proper steps to preserve your flowers. 

3 Orchid Pests to Look Out For

1. Aphids

Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that may be green, brown, or translucent. They're most often found on the back of leaves and in the area of newly grown flowers. As aphids eat away at plants, they leave a substance that contributes to fungal growth. The feeding process also deprives orchids of essential nutrients. 

Catching aphids early will prevent a serious infestation, so check your plant often. If you do see them, treat the affected areas with insecticidal soap, which contains potassium salts that will kill pests but won't harm your plants. 

2. Mealybugs


Like aphids, mealybugs also have soft bodies, but with a fuzzy, white or yellowish appearance. They can be found at the base of orchids, where the leaves meet the soil, though they're also fond of hiding out in the folds of leaves. They leave yellow patches on the plant and a fuzzy white substance similar to their body texture. 

Insecticidal soap is also effective on mealybugs. Once the insects have been sprayed, they should be removed by hand. Re-treatment is recommended once every two weeks or so to stop mealybugs from returning. 

3. Thrips

Thrips are so small that they're often difficult to see, so you'll need to look for other signs. The damage they leave is hard to miss, as flower petals will appear brown or streaked after feeding. Without intervention, the damaged petals will wilt and fall off. Eventually, the entire plant will die as the thrips take over. 

The best defense is prevention, so keep the area around the orchid free of dead plant debris. Upon noticing damage, apply insecticidal soap or malathion, which can also kill thrips without damaging plants. Alternate the chemical treatments to prevent the thrips from becoming resistant. 


When you need help caring for orchids or are looking for new plants, turn to the experts at Akatsuka Orchid Gardens in Volcano, HI. Since 1974, they've been dedicated to growing and caring for orchids, including more than 500 on display in their nursery. They also sell buds and blooms for you to enjoy at home. Call (808) 967-8234 or visit them online to find out more about their selection. You can also learn more pest identification tips by watching the helpful video below. 
