
Microwaves just can’t compete with the cooking power of an oven. As such, when the appliance malfunctions, an immediate fix is necessary to prevent ongoing meal interruptions and frustrations. Here’s a closer look at some of the most frequent causes of oven repairs and what to expect. 

What Are Some Common Issues Ovens Experience?

1. Won’t Turn On

When the oven is first turned on, there should be instant heat. Gas systems usually involve a clicking noise followed by flames visible through the ventilation slits at the bottom, while electric units showcase a reddening heating element at the base. 

If these reactions don’t occur, either the igniter or the heating element will likely need to be replaced. In instances where the gas burners on the stove also won’t turn on, the culprit could also be damage to the gas line that is preventing the fuel from reaching the system. 

2. Fails to Heat Up

oven repair

Even if the oven turns on correctly, there is a risk that the food won’t cook properly. In some cases, the temperature won’t reach or maintain the right temperature, causing heating inconsistencies. 

There are a few different potential culprits when systems fail to heat correctly. A faulty thermostat is at the top of the list, requiring a replacement in most cases. Alternatively, the temperature controls may need to be recalibrated. 

3. Door Won’t Close

Oven doors need to seal properly to keep the heat inside. Otherwise, they allow the air to leak out and extend cooking time or even prevent food from reaching a safe temperature. If the door feels loose or falls open, a new seal is often the correct oven repair. 

4. Won’t Self-Clean

The ability to self-clean helps save time and frustration from manual cleaning. If the setting doesn't work, then the locking switch that keeps the door sealed in place may require a replacement. A failing thermostat, as well as a damaged control board, can also prevent the self-cleaning option from working.


If an oven malfunction is threatening to ruin your next meal, turn to Complete Appliance Service in Delhi, OH, for fast and effective assistance. Serving residents across the Greater Cincinnati area, the local business has provided dependable appliance repairs at competitive rates since 1980. Learn more about their commitment to quality service online. Call (513) 321-0808 to schedule an oven repair appointment. 
