Why Flossing Every Day is Essential
There are numerous keys to lasting dental health, including twice-daily brushing, a healthy diet, and professional teeth cleanings and checkups. Flossing is another facet of good oral health, and should be done once a day. Learn more about what makes flossing so essential to a healthy smile here.
Why Do I Need to Floss Every Day?
It Reduces the Risk of Cavities
Correct flossing involves gently rubbing the filament between each tooth, then making a “C” shape around the tooth to clean below the gumline. Floss removes bacteria and plaque your toothbrush cannot reach to reduce your risk of cavities. If plaque, a sticky biofilm, feeds on sugary food particles, it releases enamel-eroding acids. When plaque is allowed to build up in the mouth, the risk of enamel damage and tooth decay heightens significantly.
Tooth decay creates holes, or cavities, in teeth and eventually infects tooth pulp that consists of blood vessels and nerves. It causes pain and can require a root canal procedure to save the tooth from extraction. Root canals involve removing the infected tissue and sealing the resulting canal with filling material. Removing plaque and bacteria with floss reduces the risk of painful cavities that require extensive dental work.
It Keeps Your Gums Healthy
By cleaning below the gumline, flossing helps maintain healthy gum tissue. Plaque that builds up along the gumline irritates this tissue and causes gingivitis, or the precursor to gum disease, without routine brushing and flossing. Gingivitis symptoms include gum redness, swelling, and bleeding, but are reversible with quality home care and professional teeth cleaning. Gingivitis morphs into gum disease without the right care, a chronic oral disease that causes gum tenderness, redness, bleeding, inflammation, and recession. As gum tissue recedes, it exposes sensitive tooth roots and loosens teeth.
Without cleaning below the gumline, tartar, or the hardened form of plaque that forms under the gums, develops. Tartar is only removable by a dentist, and causes further gum irritation and recession. Daily plaque and bacteria removal with flossing helps prevent tartar deposits from forming.
In addition to brushing and flossing every day, schedule teeth cleanings and checkups with Splendental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. This family dentistry practice serves residents throughout Northwest Columbus, Upper Arlington , Dublin, and Hilliard, OH, providing a full suite of services that keep their smiles healthy. Call this American Dental Association member today at (614) 588-0678 to schedule a teeth cleaning or visit the practice online for patient forms.