
Most women can predict their menstrual cycle and the symptoms they’ll experience. Sudden changes, such as a heavier or lighter flow or more painful cramps, may be concerning. Some cases are caused by temporary situations, like stress, but others may indicate more severe problems. Review this guide to learn about the common causes of irregular menstruation and when to see a gynecologist

What Causes Abnormal Menstruation? 

1. Stress & Lifestyle Changes 

Chronic or intense stress can affect various parts of the body. The excessive production of the stress hormone cortisol may disrupt the signals between the hypothalamus in the brain and the ovaries. 

This results in lighter or late periods. Significant weight gain or loss and changes in routine, including intense exercise, prolonged travel, or a new job, may also alter your menstrual cycle. 

2. Hormone Disorders 


Hormone disorders, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can affect menstruation. Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, tends to cause longer, heavier periods, while hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid, can cause lighter ones. PCOS usually causes heavier, painful periods.

3. Contraceptive Side Effects 

Hormonal contraceptives, including pills, patches, IUDs, and injections, release hormones to prevent pregnancy. They can contain either progesterone only or a combination of estrogen and progesterone. 

Progesterone treatments can prevent periods from occurring but may cause spotting. IUDs can sometimes cause heavy bleeding. If you're experiencing difficulties with your birth control, a gynecologist may recommend using a different type. 

4. Pregnancy 

Pregnancy usually causes women to miss their periods. It can also cause spotting. If you're sexually active and miss your period, consider taking a pregnancy test. 

Other early pregnancy symptoms may include nausea or morning sickness, sensitivity to scents, and breast tenderness. If you're pregnant and experience pain or spotting, see a gynecologist to catch any complications.


If you need a gynecologist in New London County, CT, turn to Thameside ObGyn Centre. Located in Groton, this women’s health center provides comprehensive obstetrics and gynecology services, from birth control and infertility to routine exams and high-risk pregnancy care. Call (860) 445-5107 to speak with a helpful staff member to schedule an appointment. Visit the website to learn more about the practice. 
