
Getting in shape can take a lot of time, energy, and dedication. However, once you find the workout that aligns with your needs, it becomes easier to fit it into your regular schedule and start the journey to the new you. EMS fitness is an option that may be able to help those who’ve previously had trouble getting in shape. Short for electrical muscle stimulation, this type of workout features a device that sends short, painless electronic pulses into your muscles so you can get even more benefit from your exercise.

Why You Should Opt for an EMS Training Workout

1. Less Scheduling Stress

By sending an electrical pulse to your muscles, EMS training is able to help you achieve results in less time than traditional workouts. This means you don’t have to stress about fitting long classes or exercise sessions into your busy schedule. You still have plenty of flexibility to focus on your work goals and spend quality time with family and friends without letting your health and fitness goals slip.

2. Targeted Results

fitnessEMS training also gives you the opportunity to focus on very specific muscle groups during your workouts, since you can choose which body parts to work on. This can be especially helpful for those who have muscle imbalances since it allows you to get those previously neglected muscles in shape to help you avoid strain in your joints. This also allows you to save time by focusing only on what you want to improve.

3. Lower Chance of Injury

Overall, the work you put in during EMS training can get you results without the use of heavy weights or complicated workout equipment. Traditional strenuous workouts can sometimes lead to joint pain, muscle tears, general soreness, and overt injuries. EMS fitness can help you get the results you’re looking for while lowering your chances of dealing with major pain in your body.


If you’re interested in reaping the benefits of EMS fitness, turn to SmartFit, an exciting new destination coming soon to Alpharetta, GA. The gym and wellness center focuses on muscle stimulation technology to provide superior body sculpting. This safe and effective technique allows people to enjoy the benefits of a 90-minute workout within a much shorter time frame. The team of XBody®-certified and FDA-approved personal trainers is equipped to help you make the most of your time and ensure all equipment is perfectly suited to your specific needs. Visit the gym’s website to learn more about EMS or call (770) 727-0434 to speak with a team member directly.
