About Dance Dimensions By Susan
Are you looking to enroll your youngster in one-of-a-kind dance lessons? At Dance Dimensions by Susan in Rochester, NY, your little one will have an enjoyable and educational experience. With over 30 years of successful business, this dance studio is proud to have created a welcoming atmosphere for all ages, genders, and skill levels.
Each class is taught by experienced, highly trained, and passionate dance instructors, helping little ones learn how to express themselves creatively. Jazz, tap, hip-hop, and ballet classes are available to ensure your little dancer enjoys a well-rounded education. This dance studio uses only age-appropriate music, costumes, and choreography in routines.
Give your child a chance to shine by enrolling them at Dance Dimensions by Susan. This dance studio is widely accepted by many conventions and competitions as a leader in dance classes in Upstate New York. Call (585) 426-8711 or visit their website to find out more about their classes today.