What to Do in Case of a Home Heating Oil Tank Leak
By Main Energy
Home heating oil is the preferred heating choice for many homeowners. As with any heat source, though, it comes with certain risks. With fuel oil, the main one is tank leaks, either indoors or outdoors. It can take years for a tank hole to develop, and you can protect yourself by practicing good tank maintenance, but for safety’s sake, experts recommend learning the steps to take if you do have a tank leak.
Here is what you should do as soon as you notice a leak:
Call the Authorities: If you smell oil vapors in your home, immediately call the fire department. If possible, ventilate the area by opening windows and setting up fans to blow outwards. If you know where the leak is coming from, close off the area.
Verify the Leak (Outdoors): If you suspect your fuel oil tank has a leak, you can find out for sure by conducting a soil test, which will tell you whether oil has leached into the ground. Outdoor leaks may also be accompanied by dead grass or plants near the tank site.
Call a Certified Oil Tank Contractor: Once you’ve tested for home heating oil leaks, the next step is to call a qualified contractor to remove the tank. This professional will also contact the proper authorities and report that there has been an oil spill on your property. This is extremely important, as the spill may affect the local water table.
Schedule a Cleanup Date: It may be necessary to schedule an additional day for cleanup, especially if the leak was extensive. This process will largely consist of a thorough excavation with an earth mover. The area will then be replaced with clean and uncontaminated soil.
Contact Your Insurance Company: If your tank leak has leached into the groundwater, this will affect the cleanup process. Call your insurance agent and find out whether your policy covers cleanup. They may send an inspector to do their own examination.
Have questions about home heating oil safety? Your local fuel oil delivery company has answers. To make an inquiry with Main Energy, give them a call at (315) 597-5200. They’re also available for quality kerosene, propane, and gasoline services, which you can learn more about on their website. The local professionals are located in Palmyra, NY, and serve clients throughout Cayuga, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Wayne, and Yates counties.