

Over the last few years researchers, doctors and dentists have started to take a closer look at the link between oral health and overall health. One area they focused on is the relationship between gum disease and heart disease. They found that having gum disease increases a persons risk of heart disease by about 20%.

Gum disease (periodontal disease) is the infammation of gum tissues. This infammation can lead to the the breakdown of gum tissues, tooth loss and loss of bone that holds our teeth in place. Heart disease including heart attack or stroke is caused by narrowing or blockage in major blood vessels. Gum disease increases the risk of heart disease because the inflammation in the gums and bacteria may lead to the narrowing of important arteries.

Gum disease and oral health are related to other conditions as well. These incude Osteoporosis, respiratory disease, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. People with Diabetes or are pregnant may be at a higher risk to develop gum disease.

Regular visits with Dr. Joy Lunan will help with early diagnosis and treatment of gum disease. Be sure to let her know if you suffer from bad breath, swollen, red or tender or receding gums, pain when you chew, sensitive teeth, loose teeth or changes in your bite. If you have one or more of these symptoms, don’t panic! This doesn’t necessarily mean you have gum disease. Dr. Lunan will make a diagnosis based on the severity and duration of your symptoms. She will evaluate your teeth as well as your medical history to make a proper diagnosis. She and her dental team may measure your gum pockets, take xrays and evaluate th- gum tissues and sensitive teeth.

There are healthy lifestyle habits you can use to maintain good oral hygiene and reduce your risk of gum disease as well as heart disease. Dr. Lunan will teach you the proper brushing and flossing techniques to be used twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste. Mouthwash is reccommended to rinse away awaything that brushing and flossing should miss. A diet high in vegetables, fiber and low in sugar is best. Refrain from smoking or chewing tobacco of any kind. Be mindful of early signs of gum disease and let Dr. Lunan know about your concerns. 

Any questions? Call us. 203-598-7920
