Balance discs are round inflatable cushions that create an unstable surface for standing or sitting. The devices are widely used in chiropractic care to facilitate improved outcomes across a variety of patient populations. Here are some benefits of these chiropractic supplies.
5 Advantages of Balance Cushions
1. Improve Core Stability
Balance discs can be placed on the patient’s seat to improve core stability throughout the day. The unstable surface requires activation of the deep core muscles. As a result, the abdominal region becomes stronger over time.
2. Reduce Back Pain
By strengthening the core muscles, patients can alleviate back pain, too. The back requires a strong network of muscles to maintain stability, including the tissue that wraps around to the front of the body. Stronger muscles are better able to support the network of bones and soft tissue in the back, reducing strain and discomfort.
3. Boost Balance
Balance cushions can help patients with balance issues increase their stability. For example, elderly patients or people with vertigo may be more likely to sustain injuries caused by falls. These chiropractic supplies strengthen stabilizing muscles to the risk of trips and falls and their related injuries.
4. Support Back Health
Certain spinal injuries may benefit from the use of balance cushions as a rehabilitative technique. The activity increases flexibility of the spine by encouraging rehydration of the lumbar discs and improving fluid circulation. The more hydrated discs are, the less likely they are to become compressed and injured.
5. Aid in Lower Body Injury Healing
Finally, practitioners may use these chiropractic supplies to promote proprioception, or the feedback loop between the body and brain in which positioning is changed to support pain relief. Following a lower body injury such as a sprained ankle, arthritis, joint replacement surgery, or knee injury, the proprioceptive feedback loop can be interrupted, affecting the healing process. A balance cushion creates an uneven surface to trigger proprioception, thus accelerating healing.
If you’re seeking chiropractic supplies to provide a wide range of quality treatment options for your patients, turn to TPT Chiropractic Supply. Serving High Point, NC, this supplier has a huge inventory of state-of-the-art equipment available to enhance your practice. Shop for therapeutic devices online or speak with a team member by calling (336) 882-3495.