3 Tips for Raising a Child With Autism
Raising a child with autism presents many unique challenges. It’s easy for new parents to become overwhelmed, which is why it’s important to take a strategic approach. To create a better environment for your child, and help strengthen your bond with them, follow these steps.
A Guide to Parenting a Child With Autism
1. Use a Schedule & Be Consistent
Children with autism may resist change or become stressed by it, which means routines will be particularly comforting. They’ll want silverware, toys, and other items placed in the same positions, so keep their room organized. Also, consistently do different activities, such as eating or brushing teeth, at the same time each day to reduce anxiety and uncertainty.
2. Work Around How They Learn
Many children with autism learn differently. You’ll need to understand how your child learns, so you can enforce positive behavior and connect with them. For example, your child may think visually and respond better to hand motions, learning toys, or videos. Many children also fixate on specific items, which can be used in learning. For instance, if they’re fascinated by automobiles or an animal, use these as centerpieces when teaching counting or reading.
Children with autism may or may not respond well to eye contact or learning visually and audibly at the same time. If you have trouble processing how they learn and communicate, consider working with a professional.
3. Understand Their Sensitivities & Adapt
Children with autism can be extremely sensitive to stimuli, including loud sounds, tactile sensations, or smells. Pay attention to what stimuli are harmful, and try to remove them at home. For example, watch the TV at a lower volume, turn down bright lights, avoid foods your child doesn’t like the taste or smell of, and don’t use strong-smelling perfume or air fresheners. Also, when you leave home, bring a pair of sunglasses and headphones to lessen outside stimuli.
If you’re exploring autism therapy options in the Concord, Nashua, or Marlborough areas of New Hampshire, contact Compass Innovative Behavior Strategies. These centers offer a wide scope of services, including speech, occupational, and ABA therapy. Their certified specialists will work closely with you to better connect with your child. Call (603) 488-5008 to schedule a consultation, learn more about their services on their website, and receive updates by connecting on Facebook.