
A wood pellet stove is a highly efficient and affordable heating option for many homes. They can heat spaces quickly and keep them warm with little effort, but they also have demanding maintenance requirements to keep them functioning properly. Here are a few tips to help that maintenance go smoothly.

3 Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Pellet Stove in Top Shape

1. Use Quality Fuel

The best way to keep your stove clean and prevent soot and ash from building up rapidly is to use high-quality fuel that burns efficiently and doesn’t leave much behind. For most wood pellet stoves, you want a fuel that has under 10% moisture content. While these fuels will cost more in the short term, they will keep your stove healthy for longer and demand less maintenance over time. 

2. Clear Soot Weekly

wood pellets

Even stoves that can handle fuels with high ash content need to be cleaned weekly to maintain efficiency. As little as a tenth of an inch of soot buildup in the hopper can cut the efficiency of the stove’s heat transference in half. Once a week, when the stove is cool, clear away all the soot, ash, and sawdust buildup with a broom or whisk. It’s best to use fire-resistant tools for this job because even when the stove is cool, the debris inside the oven may be warm enough to cause harm or even start a small fire.

3. Keep the Vent Pipes Clear

Much like a chimney, a wood pellet stove’s vent pipes are susceptible to dangerous buildup. Keep your home safe and your stove running efficiently by periodically checking on the buildup. Once it’s reached a quarter of an inch, clear the pipe out and start the process over.


Whether you’re looking for a new wood pellet stove or just for fuel, reach out to Bethel Feed & Supply Pet & Garden Center in Bethel, OH. For nearly 40 years, this business has provided Clermont and Brown counties and the surrounding areas with all their home and garden supply needs. Learn more about their pellet stoves online, and call (513) 734-2246 to inquire about their inventory.
