
Maxillofacial surgery helps correct conditions in the jaw, teeth, face tissue, or facial bones. Before seeing a surgeon for an assessment, learn about some of the reasons why you might need to seek out this type of surgery.

What Is Maxillofacial Surgery Used For?

1. Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth generally come in when a patient is 17 to 25 years old. In many cases, these third molars are impacted, which means they fail to erupt correctly and get stuck in the gum tissue or bone.

To avoid pain, infection, and overcrowding in the mouth, a surgeon can remove these teeth. This procedure is the most common maxillofacial surgery. 

2. Facial Injury

maxillofacial surgeryIf your jaw is fractured or dislocated while playing sports or doing another physical activity, a maxillofacial surgeon can reset the bone so it heals normally. They can also treat lacerations or any other injuries inside the mouth.

3. TMJ Disorder

TMJ Disorder causes pain in your jaw and the muscles that control it, often as the result of teeth grinding due to stress, arthritis, or an injury. You might also experience these symptoms because your temporomandibular joint has an abnormal structure. A surgeon can correct this problem to alleviate the pain.

4. Tooth & Bone Loss

After you lose a tooth, a maxillofacial surgeon can insert an implant to replace it. This implant is anchored by screws in the jawbone. A bone graft might be necessary if you don’t have sufficient bone mass to support the implant. This procedure will restore your mouth to its previous appearance, preventing the need for dentures and keeping the rest of your teeth healthy.

5. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea causes people to stop breathing while they sleep. A poorly positioned jaw or a large amount of tissue around the airway may contribute to this condition. Maxillofacial surgery can correct these issues, reducing snoring and removing the need for a CPAP machine or other treatments.


If you’re looking into maxillofacial surgery, consult the board-certified surgeons Dr. William F. Bergeron, Jr. and Dr. Ray Holloway at Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska. Located in Anchorage, they perform procedures like dental implants, teeth extractions, bone grafts, and jaw surgery. Visit their website to see a list of the procedures they offer, or call (907) 561-1430 to set up an appointment today.
