
When a loved one passes away, it can be very difficult to cope. Whether it was a sudden loss or you had time to prepare, you may feel shaken and alone in the days, weeks, and months after it occurs. It’s important to remember that this is entirely normal, and that you aren’t alone in your feelings of grief. A loved one’s death may call for you to handle many important tasks, like planning a funeral and contacting family and friends. This can make coping even more challenging. Here are some tips to help you through this difficult time.

How to Cope With a Loved One’s Death

1. Talk to Other People

Some people prefer to remain alone, but even those who find solace in quiet can benefit from communicating with others. Make it a point to share your feelings with someone, like another family member, a good friend, or a spiritual leader. Turn to a person you trust, someone that you can be certain will lend their ear and provide you with the time and patience you need to share how you feel. It can be very cathartic to sort through your feelings out loud, share memories of the person, and simply be in the presence of another person.

2. Plan a Fitting Farewell


It can also be helpful to plan a fitting funeral service for the deceased. This is an opportunity to honor the person and the wonderful traits and gifts they brought to the world. You might choose to give the eulogy or write the obituary or simply make plans. 

You’ll have time to think about what types of elements your loved one might appreciate, and you can incorporate details that celebrate the beauty of their life. For example, you might invite a speaker to share a poem that they loved or request that mourners donate to a cause important to the person in lieu of sending flowers.

3. Accept How You Feel

There is no timeline where grief is concerned. It can be tricky and painful, and there is no right or wrong way to cope with the many emotions you’re bound to experience. Respect your own needs, and be kind to yourself as you navigate this difficult period in your life. Know that while it may seem insurmountable right now, there will come a time when you can look back and remember the person you loved with a smile. Acknowledge that it is natural to hurt and feel sorrow, and understand that with time you will arrive at a place of “new” normality. Your life may never be the same, but you will not feel this way forever.

Don’t cope with the loss of a loved one on your own. Turn to the caring and compassionate staff at Feldner-Ritchay Funeral Home in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. They’re proud to offer a range of services, including funeral and memorial planning. They can also assist with preparations for burial or cremation. Visit the website for more information, or call (715) 423-1414 to speak with a representative. 
