
Digital marketing often requires daily attention and quick reactions to consumer demands or changing industry trends. However, it’s also vital to plan some campaigns in advance. For example, you may create a quarterly or six-month plan, with some extra room to adjust or add extra messaging when needed. Here are some benefits of this type of long-term strategy. 

3 Reasons to Create Quarterly Digital Marketing Strategies

1. Create Consistent Content

Businesses experience busy seasons throughout the year, where it can be tough to come up with new ideas or execute new marketing ideas on the fly. Planning ahead allows you to work on campaigns before these seasons, so they can launch without much work from your team. For example, a retail store may create all the copy and visuals for a holiday advertising campaign during summer, knowing that they’ll have to dedicate all their resources to customer service and order fulfillment in November and December. 

2. Increase Efficiency 

digital marketing

Working on a single campaign at a time can slow down your team's progress. Instead, it's often more efficient to work on multiple campaigns at once since this allows you to batch similar tasks together. For example, your marketing agency may plan one photoshoot to provide images for your social campaigns and advertisements for several months at once. As a result, your team doesn’t need to schedule multiple photographers and book talent or props separately. You can also save time on copywriting, purchasing ads, and scheduling social media posts by focusing on one area at a time instead of bouncing back and forth. 

3. Measure Results

Even the best marketing plans may need to be adjusted over time, but you have to give your initial ideas a chance before changing anything. When you create a plan for the next quarter or six months, you can include goals for the reach, engagement, or sales you want each campaign to have. Compiling all this in one place allows you to easily go back and measure results using your analytics tools. Afterward, you can decide which activities were worth the time and financial investment and which ones may need to be adjusted to make your plan more effective in the future. 


Outsourcing your digital marketing strategy can free up your team to focus on new ideas and immediate needs. The team at Menadena in Keene, NH, has the expertise and technology to provide high-level assistance with everything from Google ads management to search engine optimization. Visit the website to see a full selection of their digital marketing services. To request a consultation, call (888) 773-4237. 
