
Spicy foods are not only delicious, but also come with several health benefits. If you're new to spice or haven't been able to handle it very well in the past, there are a few ways to acclimate yourself to the heat. Follow these tips and soon you'll be able to enjoy spicy lunches and dinners without issue.

How to Get Better at Handling Spicy Food

1. Start Gradually

When visiting a restaurant, begin your spice adventures gradually. Peruse the menu, and choose an appetizer or side dish with a mild to moderate heat level. If the server asks how spicy you'd like it, let them know you want to start on the milder end of the spectrum.

Moving forward, pick spicier recipes. Spicy foods trigger specific receptors in the mouth's neurons, so the more frequently you're exposed to them, the more you adjust.


2. Order Dairy

Capsaicin is the compound that makes peppers spicy. If you order a dish with any heat at all, it probably has capsaicin in it. Water doesn't bond with capsaicin, so drinking it may not cool you down.

Instead, order sides that include cheese, cream, or milk. Dairy products contain casein, a protein that attracts and balances out capsaicin molecules. Eating dairy can bring relief after a spicy mouthful.

3. Eat Slowly

No matter how hungry you might be, aim to eat a spicy lunch or dinner slowly. Since the mouth's nerves need time to adjust to hot sensations, going too quickly can overwhelm them.

Give your tastebuds time to get used to the heat. This will also help you better appreciate the subtleties of the flavors. Underneath the heat, there's always an interesting combination of spices and textures to explore.


For delicious spicy food, visit Han-Mi in Chattanooga, TN. Serving the surrounding cities, this Korean restaurant features spicy ramyeon, rice cakes, bibimbap, and fried chicken for lunch and dinner. Both new and experienced spice connoisseurs enjoy their authentic dishes with an American twist. Visit them online to explore their menu, or call (423) 541-7273 to make a reservation.
