Offer Details

Howdy Everyone,

It has been a very busy 18 months, and we are not seeing any sign of slowing down with demand increasing for meat from small farms like our own.  In an effort to help supply folks with good affordable beef we have made the decision to officially offer our corn-finished Angus Beef for sale, both as Half Cow and Whole Cow options.

Our Angus Beef will be cheaper than the Parthenais beef and it should also be noted that this will be fattier than our grass-finished Parthenais as well.  But, just like all of our cattle, the Angus follow our standards of No Hormones and No Antibiotics and they live in the same pastures as our Parthenais herds, they are just finished on corn.

The prices are $5.25/lb for Half Cow and $4.75/lb for a Whole Cow.  

The other nice thing about these cattle is we have availability beginning in January which means if anyone needs meat faster, the current wait time for this beef is shorter than our Parthenais.

At the end of the day it all comes down to what flavor and marbling you want in your beef, but we can assure you that they are all delicious, and they all enjoy our idyllic Herd Life Harmony.

Select your choice for the Half Cow Here or the Whole Cow Here


Tony & The Moos

Valid Date(s)
This offer has expired.
Terms and Conditions
Offer only valid for Half Cow and Whole Cow options