
Asbestos is a heat-resistant mineral that should not be inhaled. Some homeowners might not know that many insulation materials contained asbestos until the 1970s. If you live in an older home, you might have one of the following types of insulation that will require immediate attention from an asbestos abatement contractor.

3 Types of Insulation That Can Contain Asbestos

1. Loose-Fill Insulation

This type of insulation was often made with asbestos and is easily identified by its loose form and granular or fluffy texture. If you have loose-fill insulation, visually inspect its material from a safe distance. Fiberglass fill, cellulose insulation, and rock wool insulation are generally safe because they're not known to contain asbestos. For other types of loose-fill insulation material, you should hire a professional to check for asbestos contamination.

2. Vermiculite

asbestos abatement

Most building contractors and inspectors should know that this attic insulation contains asbestos. Vermiculite is lightweight and resembles silvery-gold or grayish-brown pebbles. From the 1950s until the late 1970s, vermiculite was a widely-used home insulation material. If you have this insulation, you should contact an asbestos abatement specialist to remove it from your property.

3. Zonolite

Zonolite is a type of vermiculite insulation that is no longer sold in the United States but could still be present in millions of homes. It's often gray-brown or silver-gold in color. If your home was insulated with Zonolite, you might qualify for a reimbursement for asbestos abatement from the Zonolite Attic Insulation Trust.


If you think your home has asbestos insulation, contact the professionals at EMR Services in High Point, NC. They provide thorough asbestos abatement and mold remediation to help keep the air quality in your home safe. You can also rely on them for expert roofing, selective demolition, and water damage repairs. Contact them today at (336) 807-6569 for urgent requests or visit their website to ask for an estimate. 
