
Thunderstorms can quench your landscaping with water and give you an excellent lightning show, but they can also be hard on your roof. High winds, lightning, and heavy rains can damage shingles, leaving you with indoor leaks, mold accumulation, and mounting roof repair bills. By taking a few steps to prevent damage, you could help to keep your roof in excellent condition. Here are a few ways to protect your roof from storm damage. 

Ways to Avoid the Need for Roof Repair

1. Keep Trees Well Trimmed

Certain varieties of trees, such as pines, catalpas, or weeping willows, can become tall enough to have branches that hang over your roof. When the winds pick up, weak or partially damaged branches can break off, fall onto your roof, knock off shingles, or create depressions that can accumulate water. If the winds are strong enough, they could even knock trees over and cause them to fall onto your home, causing widespread damage. 

Always keep trees near your home well-trimmed. Have a professional tree trimmer cut away any branches that hang over your home and consider removing the tree altogether if it is tall enough to fall onto your roof. 

2. Invest in Professional Inspections 

roof repairDamaged roofs are more susceptible to additional problems, so have your roof regularly inspected, especially if you live in an area that sees a lot of severe thunderstorms. During professional inspections, experts will evaluate the condition of your roof and recommend the proper roof repairs, preventing problems like additional missing shingles or water damage.

3. Clean Gutters Regularly

Fallen leaves, roof shingle aggregates, and even minerals from rainwater can accumulate in gutters, creating clogs that change the direction of water flow. If the clog is significant enough, it could allow water to pool near your roof eave, where it can move under shingles and into your attic, causing mold and mildew growth. 

To keep your roof safe, clean your gutters twice a year—once in the spring and once in the fall. 


Anytime you have questions or concerns about the health of your home, turn to the roof repair contractors at Best Roofing, Remodeling, and Guttering Company in Greensboro, NC. Whether you need urgent roof repairs, a proactive roofing replacement, or you want to update your interiors, this trusted team has more than 50 years of experience making homes more beautiful and functional. Learn how they can help you by visiting their website or giving their office a call at (336) 303-6493.
