
Reading bedtime stories is an important time of bonding for you and your kids. These tales can also boost a child's development in surprising ways. Fostering a love of books and stories before they start preschool will help little ones build reading skills in the future, and it may even teach them lessons they’ll carry for a lifetime. Below are a few ways to perfect your story-telling ability to make bedtime more entertaining and beneficial.

How to Read to a Child Before Bed

1. Avoid Distractions

Having the television on or other distractions in the background can make it more difficult for a child to fully engage with the story. At bedtime, turn off the TV and other digital devices, and leave your phone in another room to keep the attention on the book you're reading.

2. Get Into the Action


Making this activity more entertaining will help your kids get wrapped up in the story. Give each character a different voice, exaggerate the emotions in their conversations, and try to act out the scenes as you read. This will teach little ones how to engage with scenarios they can only see in their minds. 

3. Read the Same Story

Many preschool-aged children don’t grasp the whole story the first time through. This is why many want to hear the same books over and over again. Focusing on a single one for several nights in a row will help your kids learn to find patterns and understand how narratives unfold while also anticipating how a character’s actions affect others.

4. Ask Questions

As you read, ask your child what they would do in a similar situation or if the characters in the book remind them of anyone. Discussing these factors as you navigate the storyline will help little ones establish a link between books and real life. 

5. Choose the Appropriate Reading Level

Every child develops reading skills at different rates, so yours may need slightly easier or more advanced books. If they don't seem engaged in the reading, try others that might grab their attention more effectively. Take them to the store or library and let them choose books they might be more interested in.


Since 2006, Palm Academy has been helping Fremont, CA, parents raise happy, healthy children. Their preschool program offers a curriculum that covers a wide range of subjects, including lessons that focus on compassion and creativity. They also offer STEAM and JEI learning, as well as FasTracKids. Visit them online to learn more about their pre-K and preschool programs, or call (510) 979-9794 to schedule a tour of their facility.
