
Maintaining a lush, healthy lawn involves more than routine watering and mowing. A lawn fertilization schedule contributes to robust, beautifully green growth that eliminates unsightly bare patches. If you're not sure when to treat your grass throughout the year, learning more about grass species and fertilizer options can help. 

How Grass Type Impacts Lawn Fertilization Timing

When to schedule lawn fertilization services depends on the grass type. Cool-season grasses are found in the northern parts of the U.S. and include Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, and tall fescues. These grasses flourish when the weather is cool, such as in the fall and early spring. Here in the South, you probably have warm-season grasses that thrive when the weather is warm, such as zoysia, St. Augustine, or Bermuda grass. Unlike cool-season grasses that remain green throughout the year, warm-season varieties turn brown following the first frost

Fertilizer applications are best when the grass is actively growing. For example, if your lawn features a warm-season grass variety, schedule fertilizer treatments from late spring to mid fall. An application during these growing times provides the grass with an extra boost. 

lawn fertilization

It  helps to apply fertilizer in late summer or early fall when the weather is still hot, giving grass more nutrients following exposure to extreme heat and foot traffic. The lawn can subsequently recover efficiently. 

How to Choose Between Quick- and Slow-Release Fertilizers

As a general rule, it is best to use a slow-release fertilizer that promotes green, lush grass without overgrowth issues. If you're not sure what nutrients your lawn needs most, such as potassium that encourages drought resistance, perform a soil test with the help of a landscaping professional. The results tell you what your grass requires to create an optimal lawn fertilization schedule. 

There are times when quick-release fertilizers are recommended, such as during cool periods in spring or fall. A quick-release product promotes efficient growth for a beautiful, uniform lawn in late spring through the summer and fall. 


For even fertilizer applications that cover every grass blade, work with Magnolia Lawn. This Suwanee-based company offers lawn fertilization and a wide range of other services that keep area properties lush and beautiful, including mowing and weed control. Call (770) 831-6404 today to request a free estimate or visit the website for service information. Get more lawn care tips on Facebook
