Primarily produced by young female bees, beeswax is a natural compound and popular skin care ingredient. Beeswax lip balm is one of the most popular products that can utilize this ingredient to help the lips remain hydrated. Here's what you should know about what this natural lip balm will do for your lips.
What Are the Advantages of Using Beeswax Lip Balm?
1. Retains Lip Moisture
Beeswax's lubricating properties prevent moisture loss in the lips. It is a natural humectant that pulls moisture into the skin. It is also an occlusive substance and therefore creates a protective barrier over the lips that further seals in moisture. Your lips will feel soft and hydrated with this lip balm, not dry, chapped, and uncomfortable. In addition to hydration, the resulting smooth lip texture makes it easy to wear lipstick and lipliner, as the makeup glides on easily.
2. Protects Against Windy Conditions
Because this natural wax creates a protective barrier over the lips, it is ideal for use in windy conditions. Wind strips moisture from the skin, as do cold, dry temperatures. If you love skiing or engaging in other winter travel activities, pack your beeswax lip balm to keep your lips smooth and supple.
3. Guards Against Infections
The anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties of beeswax shield your lips from bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. Your risk of lip infections, such as cold sores, subsequently lowers. Such sores are often painful and make people feel self-conscious. Beeswax lip balm contributes to a healthy as well as a beautiful smile. There is very little risk of irritation or allergic reactions with this natural product, either.
4. Helps Lips Maintain a Youthful Look
This lip balm includes vitamin A, which helps protect skin cells from external irritants while soothing existing irritated skin. Beeswax also helps regulate skin regeneration following damage, such as UV damage. By slowing collagen deterioration and protecting from UV rays, beeswax lip balm contributes to a youthful appearance. Smooth, age-defying lips help many people smile with extra confidence.
Browse the beeswax lip balm selection at Register Family Farm. Based in Freeport, FL, this veteran-owned honeybee farm and family business provides a wide range of honey-based products for area residents to enjoy. Call (850) 392-7404 to learn more or shop the collections online. Like the farm on Facebook for the latest updates.