
When it comes to commercial generators, it's crucial to have a reliable source of power. Unfortunately, there are common issues that can occur, causing disruptions to your business operations. In this article, we'll discuss generator troubleshooting and five common issues seen in commercial generators.

Generator Troubleshooting: Common Issues and Solutions


1. Battery Failure

A dead battery is one of the most common issues with generators. If your generator fails to start, it could be due to a dead battery. The solution is to replace the battery or charge it if it's not dead. It's essential to check the battery regularly and replace it every three years.


2. Low Coolant Levels

Another common issue is low coolant levels, which can cause the generator to overheat and shut down. Check the coolant levels regularly and add more if it's low. If the issue persists, it could be due to a coolant leak. In this case, it's best to call a professional to diagnose and repair the issue.


3. Fuel System Issues

Checking your fuel system is a key part of generator troubleshooting. Fuel system problems can cause the generator to fail to start or shut down unexpectedly. Check the fuel system regularly, including the fuel filter, fuel lines, and fuel tank. If there's debris in the fuel system, it can cause clogs and prevent the generator from running. It's essential to clean the fuel system and replace the filter regularly.


4. Overloaded Generator

An overloaded generator can cause the circuit breaker to trip and shut down the generator. It's crucial to calculate the power needed to run your business operations and choose a generator that can handle the load. If the generator is overloaded, turn off some appliances or equipment to reduce the load.


5. Electrical Problems

Electrical problems, such as damaged wiring or malfunctioning electrical components, can cause the generator to fail. It's essential to have a professional electrician inspect the electrical system regularly and repair any issues promptly.


Addressing generator issues is crucial to prevent disruptions to your business operations. If you need assistance with generator troubleshooting, you can count on the team at Hayden Electric Motors Inc. Located in Anchorage, AK, they can provide reliable services for your commercial generators, electric motors, and more. Call (907) 561-1073 to schedule an appointment or visit their website for more information.
