
Whether you're at home or work, you depend on a computer for your daily life. While computers have made several aspects of modern life much easier, viruses—malicious programs intended to cause harm—have also become a more widespread threat. From stealing your data to making your hardware unusable, viruses can have significant consequences. Here’s a closer look at some of the most common types of viruses and how they affect your system.

What Are the Most Common Types of Computer Viruses?

1. Browser Hijackers


Browser hijackers alter the settings of your web browser, such as Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. These viruses redirect your web browser to malicious sites containing phishing scams or malware to try to access your private information. They can also change your search preferences and browser home page.

2. Macro Viruses

Macro viruses are specifically designed to target Microsoft Office® programs, such as Word® or Excel®. They are stored in a document that is downloaded from the internet, such as in an email attachment. Opening the infected file allows the macro virus to run on your system.

3. File-Infecting Viruses

File infector viruses are attached to .exe files, or executable programs. These viruses are designed to spread to the programs that run your computer’s operating system. Eventually, they can damage hard drive formatting or overwrite the files they attach themselves to.

4. Boot Sector Viruses

Though less common, boot sector viruses can damage or take control of your hard drive’s boot-up process. This essentially makes the device completely unusable by keeping you from being able to boot it up normally. These viruses are most commonly distributed by external hard drives or USB devices that contain the malicious virus.


If your computer has been affected by a virus, contact MK Computers in Fort Pierce, FL. Providing computer IT services to Vero Beach, Fort Pierce, and Treasure Coast for over 15 years, this locally owned and operated company uses the latest equipment to quickly diagnose and fix your technology problems. To learn more about their computer repair and IT services, visit them online or call (772) 626-5360.
