
Drinking water is essential for maintaining optimal health. Many people focus on staying hydrated during the summer, when the heat causes the body to lose liquid through sweat. However, sufficient hydration is just as important in the winter. Here’s what to know to keep yourself healthy this season.

How Your Body Loses Water During Winter

drinking waterEven if you don’t notice sweat as much in the winter, your skin still loses moisture throughout the day. Since winter air is dryer, it evaporates moisture more quickly, so you simply don’t notice that you’re sweating. Shoveling snow while wearing multiple jackets or cozying up under a blanket near a heater can lead to sweating. Even breathing outdoors results in some moisture loss, which becomes noticeable when vapor rises in the air when you breathe in freezing conditions.

Additionally, the kidneys produce more urine during the winter to regulate sodium in the body. In other words, even if you sweat a bit less, the body constantly removes extra salt and water through natural processes.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

The amount of drinking water needed throughout the day varies, but most adults should aim for at least eight glasses per day. Drink three to four additional glasses on days you exercise or consume dehydrating food and beverages, including salty snacks, coffee, and alcohol. Since the body loses sodium through sweat, choose mineral water to replenish your system with needed nutrients after physical activity.

Simply keeping water with you at all times can help you get enough throughout the day. Keep a bottle at your desk as you work, and place it in your car or purse when you’re on the go.

You could also try infusing water with fruits and berries if you prefer sweet flavors. To do this, crush ingredients lightly in a jug, then top with water and leave it in the fridge overnight. 


To stay hydrated this winter, turn to Superior Waters in Marenisco, MI. The company provides drinking water from an aquifer in Northern Lake Superior. Their mineral water has a soft taste and healthy nutrients, including potassium and calcium. Call (906) 787-2007 to place an order. Their products are also available at select stores throughout the Midwest; find one near you on the company’s website.
