
It’s never too early to begin the exciting process of teaching and learning. Whether your child is just beginning to develop sounds or is a preschooler who’s already enthusiastic about books, you can jump-start the learning process with lap reading. Even experienced reading tutors embrace the benefits of taking a break, sitting down with your child, and getting lost in a good book.

After teaching children across the globe how to read, Reading in Preschool founder Elizabeth Alexander carried those invaluable skills back home to NYC, where she founded age-appropriate reading programs and classes for children ages three through six. Her private reading tutors visit your home to foster critical skills that your children will carry with them for the rest of their lives. The skilled staff at Reading in Preschool shares three key reasons why lap reading to your child is beneficial:

  • reading-classes-NY-NYBonding & Stimulation: While a baby or toddler may not understand every word, lap reading will start them on the right path, stimulating the brain to recognize important sounds that will later develop into an extensive vocabulary. Reading is an activity that a parent and child can share for years to come, a connection that extends far beyond the lap reading experience. By reading aloud, your youngster will develop a strong connection between your voice and books, underscoring the skill’s importance and building a better reader. 
  • Valuable Learning Lessons: While reading classes provide your children with the skills they need to succeed in school, lap reading reaps greater benefits because it’s done with someone the child already trusts and loves. Lap reading introduces valuable communication skills, colors, letters, and numbers; builds listening and memory skills; improves vocabulary; and delivers information about the world around them that children wouldn’t have the chance to learn otherwise. Best of all, you can work with your child’s reading tutor to develop the perfect lap reading plan.
  • Social Development: While lap reading to your child, they will hear and recognize the different emotions in your voice, fostering social development. In addition to listening, reading along, and learning, your child can point to words, asking and answering questions.

Lap reading is a great way to start your child on the path to success. If you want more help within your own home, the private reading tutors at NYC’s Reading in Preschool are happy to help your child succeed. Visit their website to learn more, or call (917) 723-1159 to speak with one of their outstanding tutors today. 
