
Playing video games, streaming content, and browsing social media can keep kids on the couch glued to electronic devices more often than parents prefer. That's why you should encourage your youngsters to participate in physical activities, such as running around the yard or participating in extracurricular sports to supplement physical education at school. Here are ways to get your kids excited about burning off extra energy. 

How to Get Your Kids Off the Couch and Moving

1. Promote Togetherness 

Participating in a physical activity is a great way for family members to bond. Choose an activity the entire family can enjoy, such as riding bikes around the neighborhood before sunset each evening or hiking the local nature trails on the weekends. These activities can help burn calories and build muscle strength. Spending time outdoors in the fresh air also increases the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream. This keeps white blood cells healthy, so the immune system functions properly. 

2. Be a Good Role Model


If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it can be hard to convince your children to be more physically active. Kids learn by example, which is why you should incorporate physical activity into your own lifestyle. If you play a team sport, ask your kids to come watch you play. Seeing how much fun you have scoring goals and working with teammates will encourage them to participate in sports, too.  

3. Be Creative 

During bad weather, create opportunities for your children to remain physically active while playing indoors. For example, you can hide objects around the house for a scavenger hunt. Kids can burn energy and calories as they walk up and down the stairs and lift belongings to find hidden items. You can also let kids build a furniture maze, as moving chairs and desks to create corridors will increase muscle strength and improve gross motor skills.


In addition to helping your kids remain physically fit, you can also advance their intellectual education by reaching out to the private tutors at Reading in Preschool in New York City. The professionals provide reading programs using the Alexander Reading Method for children in preschool, kindergarten, first, and second grades. Learn more about early education programs online, and call (917) 723-1159 to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment. 
